Official videos When I met You Rules of Love
Three Sixes I Am Your Home
Not Here Yet Back to the Sea
Weekend Love Someone in Love Calling for Love
Other & Live videos
When I Met You. Dir. Devon Dickson
The spooky coincidences on this shoot confounded us all, our artist taxi driver drove me home after the last rainy night shoot and spoke to me about his long-lost love who was an actress and how he hoped she would one day get in his cab and he could say sorry for the way things ended ... of course, of all the humans I had been emailing that morning.. it was her, jaw droppingly odd! I profoundly love everyone in this video.
Rules of Love. Dir. Eve Mahoney
This was the biggest production of all the videos so far, filmed over three days, three cameras, millions of lights, a three-storey venue, about thirty supporting artists. The original venue fell through about three days before we were due to shoot and somehow it was all for the best!
Three Sixes. Dir. Richard Morel
I met Richard at a gig of a mutual friend, we spoke about an idea for a video.. we spoke a bit more, a bit more.. Then out of the blue Richard stated that he had built a space ship in his house and he was ready to film.. He really had built a space ship interior!! In his house!!! A massive spaceship set with sliding doors and a light system!!!
I Am Your Home. Dir. Matthew Lynch
The premiss for this video happened one night in darkest Hackney waiting for a bus, two very animated teen boys got on the bus and messed with the passengers stomping through the bus, gesticulating, unnerving everyone and then it became apparent they were signing in huge dramatic gestures talking about the bus riders and it was strange and beautiful and theatrical and abstract and then this evolved into our video... Getting home late at night, running, running, running, We saw some odd things as we filmed the back streets of Upper Kings Cross, running through the depots and warehouses..
Sub Titled version
Not Here Yet. Dir. Sam Willard
Drive to the Isle of Wight, can we borrow a boat? Thanks, but it's quite far from where we need to shoot, no problem, we will pull it with our bare hands, yes, just three of us, pull this really heavy boat across sand, yes. How cold is it? Quite cold, like the coldest evening ever? Yes.. Film, film, looks amazing, but why is the boat taking on so much water? Boat has a bung that was not left with boat when borrowed, so boat has a considerable hole in it.. Film faster, faster... Yes..
Back to the Sea. Dir. Paul Whitby/Alyssa Moxley
I went to Santorini for a week to take part in an exhibition in a castle on a hill curated by Alyssa Moxley. It was a very magical place with the wildest seascapes, blood red cliffs, huge canyons with caves in them staring down at me as I walked, lead by a local dog, who collected me once a day and took me out! It seemed fitting to film the landscape and to include the sense of spells drifting across the terrain , it is a powerful and unsettling place. Back in the UK Director Paul Whitby reimagined the footage as some revolution of self and edited the footage blending it with bleached out sunsets and skies ..
Weekend Love. Dir. Tom Tyrwhitt
The hardest working band, play this song over and over, the play back was SO SO LOUD. Tom and I have been friends for the longest time and worked together on his feature Hush our Mouth, I wrote the score for the film and travelled to festivals with him, including a film festival in Zlin, Czech, where he won loads of awards for the movie. Myself and John Robertson (guitars) played songs from the film on the highest outside terrace in Europe at the time, we were higher than bats, higher than clouds, I have extreme vertigo.. There are pictures..
Someone in Love. Dir. Chloe Thomas
The version of this song on Gone Before Morning is one of the first recordings I made, Brian O'Shaughnessy recorded it brilliantly at Bark studios so we used his version rather than the one recorded with the rest of the album at Real World, also recorded brilliantly.. This video is all filmed in a studio I lived in called the Briggs Building in Dalston. Chloe and I worked together on several projects as actor and director... Work with your friends, it's the best! The home page of this site is a photograph from that shoot by James Alexander. So many reoccurring humans in this career.
Calling for Love. Dir. Finbar Mallon
My first official video, paid for by Reveal Records for the second single from my debut 'In Case of Emergency'. Shot in my friend's house where I was staying. This was the first collision of careers, a film crew filming me, happened lots before, but this time it was for a song that I had written and recorded.
For a long time, the two parts of my creative life were so separate, properly a secret from each other, this was the start of that changing...
"Not Here Yet" (Sukie Smith) The Horatio, London
All shows are special , all songs have a reason , but this is such a powerful experience playing Not Here Yet live, its slow start, Sarahs saw making such an eerie sound and the stuttering guitars and menacing bass , it always takes me by surprise when it kicks off and always feels like an enchantment when we play it live. This song nearly didn't survive, I played it to artist Lee Tryming who played bass live when we played as a duo sometimes , he championed it , I nearly threw it away...
"The Snake" (Oscar Brown) Kings Place
This is my favourite show of all time so far. The head of Blip Creative is a brilliant, unassuming man whose offices were next to a private members club (The Academy Club, Soho, in which I worked), it was empty one lunchtime, he came in, ordered drinks and lunch and while he waited for his food, I talked to him about the show I had booked at Kings Place for the album launch of "Gone Before Morning". He had an idea... These lights had only been used for an Alexander Mc Queen show, on the huge illuminated wings that models walked through, but over a few weeks he and his amazing team built this structure which reached out over the audience and created images and patterns in real time, operated by James Alexander.
"Wild Dogs Run" (Sukie Smith / Gianluca Maria Sorace) Sukie Smith & Hollowblue
Travelling to Bari, Italy, for a festival playing as duo with Cellist Sarah Gill, my luggage - including my guitar was lost in transit - I have never had a diva fit before, but I did there in the airport.... We travelled to the town where we were due to play, only to discover that the town was in mourning following a coach accident that had killed scores of older women going on a pilgrimage. Horrible horrible for them all Our show was understandably postponed. In time my stuff was recovered and we played our show dedicated to those women, it was a privilege to be of any comfort, it was a very emotional time for the town , we all did a lot of crying and hugging.. As a result of the shows being delayed, we overlapped with an Italian band who were also booked to play at the week-long festival. Sarah and I spent time with them and a year later they asked me to co-write a track with them, which is this song. This video went on to win best 3d video at numerous festivals , including 'The Sundance Festival', beating competition including Metallica and Pink.. amongst others.
"Night Watch" (Sukie Smith) Art Night Carneskys Finishing School London
Our long-time collaborator visual artist John Lee Bird exhibited his 'Before Encore' series as part of Charnesky's Finishing School. Both of these artists are extraordinary in their inclusive and visionary practice.
"Still" (Sukie Smith) The Luminaire London
This is one of the first shows we played as a duo, for Howard Monk at a gorgeous festival that encouraged complete quiet watching bands whose lyrical content is as vital as the sound. At the Luminaire which was a beautiful venue in Kilburn.
Gone Before Morning Album Launch. Kings Place. Soundcheck.
I love seeing the calm before the storm.. so here is some footage of us setting up before our album launch at Kings Place in 2011 .Jeff Townsin on drums , Nick Bergin on Bass , John Mercedo , electronics , John Robertson on guitar and Sarah Gill , cello , backing vocals , saw etc!
Madam Italian tour as a Trio
John Robertson filmed and filmed all our tours and shows and he made this from our magical time in 2012 . Our lovely Italian agent Monica Mellisano was responsible for such adventure .
"Call America" :
Ship of Fools, London
Some humans just don't know how much they have changed your life. Klarita Pandolfi-Carr wrote to me via a music site and offered a show at her notorious Ship of Fools night on the Embankment , my father had just died and I didn't have the stamina to play shows , she made it clear it was not going to be ok just to say no! We played this atmospheric and magical boat several times and saw many, many incredible gigs there. It was an important place for us to play and with Klaritas' promotional support we played very interesting shows for example supporting Steve Sevrin at Shoreditch church. Call America always has a special place in my heart as the first track of mine to be released ( Stolen Recordings Call America Compilation 1 )
"Call America" Live Acoustic:
Brill Record Shop Exmouth Market
Record store day ,completely acoustic , just before we play, we watch a woman dancing slowly past us to only the music in her head , we didn't want to interrupt it!
Record Store Day @ Brill 18th April 2009 For the review and more go to http://planetmusicreviews.w...
"Still" Live
Union Chapel ,London
The sound in the Union Chapel is like no other place ....
Madam - Still - live at the Union Chapel 18 April 2009
"Superfast Highway " Live
The 12 Bar Club , London
The audio is from In Case of Emergency album release party at the 12 Bar Club on Denmark Street .The gig footage is shot by director Matthew Lynch as is the traffic footage , it is the cars and motorbikes toing and froing from the Ace Cafe, a hangout for Bikers and a stop off on journeys to and from the Essex .. and possibly this song was recalling some A12, A 13 driving.
Madam preform "Superfast Highway" live at the "In Case Of Emergency" album launch at The 12 Bar, London, 25th Feb 2008.
Interview at Real World Studios
Gone Before Morning
I ran from the mixing room to do this interview and then ran back . Making an album in a week really really takes all your power, we did it .
Recorded at Peter Gabriel's Real World studio in an intense week, Madam have created a stunning album which showcases Sukie's sultry vocals.They describe the...
Hush Your Mouth trailer.
This film helped everything. I wrote and recorded the soundtrack for this film which was a huge leap of faith of director Tom Thyritt and producer Liza Brown and songs from the film appear on In Case of Emergency. I signed my first album deal standing in the lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel on Sunset Boulevard where I was staying, to attend the screening of Hush Your Mouth for David Lynchs' producers, later that week. That , let me tell you was a moment .
"Hush Your Mouth" - Madam composed the soundtrack for this film.
"Fall on your Knees ":
The Colony Rooms
Sohos' hidden private members club, Sebastian Horsley took me here for the first time , dazzling. I asked to join after my father died as some kind of honouring of a properness that was there. I still have my membership card ; the club is long gone .
"Fall on your Knees ":
The Colony Rooms
Sohos' hidden private members club, Sebastian Horsley took me here for the first time , dazzling. I asked to join after my father died as some kind of honouring of a properness that was there. I still have my membership card ; the club is long gone .
Improvisation 1 with Adam Franklin and Sarah Gill :
John Lee Bird One Small Step at a Time .
Improvisation 2
Improvisation 3
This improvisation set of 36.50 minutes of music created with Adam Franklin ( Swervedriver ) on guitar and Sarah Gill on electric cello and Sukie Smith vocals and spoken word was improvised in response to a
3-night run of shows in collaboration with John Lee Bird in the spectacular Grand Ballroom upstairs at the Trafalgar Tavern , Greenwich. The 365 artworks by John Lee Bird were first exhibited in Mexico City in January; accompanied by special soundtrack performances from Jamie Stewart (Xiu Xiu) and Suitman Jungle. The exhibition continues later in the year and journeys to LA where the audio of the Madam sets will accompany the work. This piece explores the relationship we have to the different parts of London we have all inhabited and the connections we have to lives that have gone before ...